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redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다.
redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 버전은 그동안 문제가 되어오던 진동스위치 버그가 해결되었습니다.
사용상에는 문제가 없지만 이 문제가 거슬리던 분들은 재해킹해주시면 될듯보입니다.

redsn0w 0.9.6rc16:

어제 애플사가 iOS 4.3.3 펌웨어를 공개하였습니다.
4.3.3버전은 4.3.2 펌웨어의 예기치 못한 인덱스버그와 위치정보저장의 문제를 업데이트한 버전입니다.

긴급패치를 하다보니 4.3.2펌웨어의 탈옥툴에대한 보안취약점 패치를 못한것인지 아니면 다른이유가 있는것인지 4.3.3펌웨어가 공개되고 난후 i0n1c이 패치가 이루어지지 않았음을 확인해 주었습니다.

따라서 4.3.3의 완탈툴이 빠른시간안에 나올것으로 예상되었습니다.
하루만에 데브팀이 업데이트된 redsn0w 0.9.6rc15를 오늘 공개하였습니다.

윈도우버전과 맥용버전이 동시에 공개되었으며 현재 데브팀블로그에서 이용이 가능합니다.

Tic tac toe… 

… three in a row!  Apple released iOS 4.3.3 on Wednesday, and once again the untethered jailbreak exploit that @i0n1c created for 4.3.1 still works.  That makes it an unprecedented three firmwares where the same userland exploit works.  We’re not exactly sure why Apple hasn’t fixed the hole yet, but we’re not complaining!

Today’s PwnageTool and redsn0w incorporate @i0n1c’s port to 4.3.3 (it’s ironic that such a long-lasting untether doesn’t even have an official name!).  It also of course uses geohot’s limera1n bootrom exploit to inject the jailbreak. The 4.3.3 untether works on all devices that actually support 4.3.3 except for the iPad2:

  • iPhone3GS
  • iPhone4 (GSM)  
  • iPod touch 3G
  • iPod touch 4G
  • iPad1
  • AppleTV2G (v4.3 8F202)

Some things to note:

  1. ultrasn0w unlockers must stay away from redsn0w!  Use only a custom IPSW to update to 4.3.3, to avoid updating your baseband.  There are plenty of tutorials for both redsn0w and PwnageTool at sites like  Or feel free to ask away in our comments section below.
  2. ultrasn0w has been updated to v1.2.3 to be compatible with iOS 4.3.3 and earlier (the ultrasn0w update does not include any new baseband support!).  Please reboot your iPhone using the normal “slide to power off” swipe after installing ultrasn0w 1.2.3.
  3. By popular demand, redsn0w now allows you to enable multitasking gestures (although most will find it useful only on iPads).
  4. iPad2 update:  The iPad2 jailbreak remains under development.  As you may know, the original exploit @comex developed in the first week of the iPad2 release was mysteriously fixed by Apple within days of its development.  Partly because of this, don’t expect much public discussion of the iPad2 jailbreak until it’s actually finished and ready for release (and please avoid asking about it).  In all liklihood, it will be a userland exploit like the first (unreleased) one, not dependent on bootrom dumps.  The first one can’t be released even for those with the original 4.3 firmware due to legal (distribution) reasons.

As always, please feel free to ask for help or advice in our comment section, with our friendly moderators Confucious, sherif_hashim, dhlizard, Frank55, and subarurider (and many other very knowledgable commenters too!)

Update #1: PwnageTool and redsn0w have been updated to include a fix for the iPhone3GS/i4 side switch vibration issue (only for 4.3.3!).  Thanks to @i0n1c for tracking this down (even though he doesn’t even have an iPhone!).

If you’re already jailbroken at 4.3.3 (by either redsn0w rc15 or custom IPSW), you can install this fix simply by running redsn0w rc16 over your existing 4.3.3 jailbreak.  Just uncheck the “Install Cydia” option and check any other options you want.  The fix will be installed no matter what you’ve selected.  This is safe for even ultrasn0w unlockers to do (because redsn0w itself won’t update your baseband…only an iTunes stock IPSW update/restore will do that).

redsn0w rc16 has a few more improvements:  Windows 7 and Vista users should no longer need to set their CPU affinity…just run redsn0w as Administrator in XP compatiblity mode.  Also, the “verbose boot” option for old-bootrom iPhone 3GS has been fixed for 4.3.3 (remember: old-bootrom 3GS users can even have custom bootlogos that show right at power-up).  Enjoy!

redsn0w 0.9.6rc16:

PwnageTool Official BitTorrent Release

SHA1 Sum = 2c8b17c28ae10295b72dabde30bb4b39b0e85821

Unofficial Mirrors

The following links are unofficial download mirrors, you download these archives at your own risk, we accept no responsibility if your computer explodes or if it becomes part of a NASA attacking botnet or even worse if your hands fall off mid-way during the use of these files. We do not check these links and we accept no responsibility with regard to the validity of the files, the other content that these links may provide or with the content that is on the third-party linked site.

Always check the files that you have downloaded against our published SHA1 hash.

We would prefer that you downloaded the official bittorrent release that is linked above, but you are welcome to try these if you really must.

Mirror owners should email mirrors to - please ensure that they are direct dmg download links only  (no rapidshare type sites please) and that your web-server can serve DMG MIME types properly. — please don’t place mirrors in the comments as they will be deleted.

이번 4.3.3 펌웨어는 많은 사용자들이 최적화가 잘이루어진 버전이라고 이구동성 말하고 있습니다.
배터리 최적화도 가장 눈에 띄게 이루어졌으며 이외에 많은 버그패치가 이루어졌습니다.

순정사용자분들이나 탈옥사용자 모든분들에게 이번 4.3.3펌웨어는 강력추천드립니다.

4.3.3 펌웨어 탈옥가능 기기


iPhone4 (GSM)  

iPod touch 3G

iPod touch 4G


AppleTV2G (v4.3 8F202)

4.3.3 펌웨어 탈옥환경

최신버전의 아이튠즈가 설치된 데스크탑

자신의 기기에 맞는 iOS 4.3.3 펌웨어(아래 토렌트파일 이용)

 redsn0w 탈옥툴(7ZIP 압축프로그램 이용)


4.3.3 펌웨어 탈옥하기

4.3.3의 탈옥방법은 이전 redsn0w의 탈옥방법과 동일합니다.
아래 이전 redsn0w 탈옥방법을 참고하세요.

4.3.3 탈옥을 하시고 이전 펌웨어 버전보다 나아진점이 있다면 댓글로 공유하시면 다른 사용자분들에게 큰도움이 될것으로 보입니다^^