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업데이트 #1
업데이트 #2

아이폰4 지원

The untether rolls on 

Only a few weeks after the 4.3.1 untether created by @i0n1c was released, Apple pushed out firmware 4.3.2. Thankfully, it appears Apple didn’t have a chance to fix the hole used by @i0n1c’s untether, so he ported his code over to 4.3.2’s kernel.  Today’s redsn0w has been updated to include it.

The 4.3.2 untether works on all devices that actually support 4.3.2 except for the iPad2:

  • iPhone3GS
  • iPhone4 (GSM)  
  • iPod touch 3G
  • iPod touch 4G
  • iPad1

redsn0w 0.9.6rc14:

As always, ultrasn0w unlockers should stay away from redsn0w and only update their firmware through a custom IPSW.  We’ll release a new version of PwnageTool sometime this week.

Note that many people are currently having problems updating to 4.3.2 through saurik’s server. You’ll need to remove the entry in your hosts file in order to restore directly to Apple’s servers.

For any questions or problems, please use our comments section below with our ever-helpful moderators Confucious, sherif_hashim, dhlizard, Frank55, and subarurider.

Update #1: Until @i0n1c has a chance to fix the i4 version, we’ve removed the i4 untether from redsn0w (making it a tethered-only JB for i4 right now).

Update #2: redsn0w rc14 includes the fixed i4 untether from @i0n1c.  You can re-run redsn0w rc14 right over the tethered rc13b to transform the i4 JB into an untethered one.

4.3.2펌웨어의 완탈툴이 오늘 데브팀에 의해 공개되었습니다.

4.3.2 완탈 호환기기

아이팟터치 3세대, 4세대
아이패드 1세대 

아직 아이폰4는 지원하지 않습니다. 
아이폰4 지원버전은 곧 올라올것으로 보입니다.

4.3.2 완탈 완탈툴 다운로드


4.3.2 완탈하기  

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자세한 탈옥과정을 알고싶으신 분은 이전 탈옥툴의 아래 포스트를 참고하시면 됩니다.